Holly and Heather's Helping Hands

Inspirational Heartfelt Hints

Month: July, 2014

Holly & Heather’s Helpful Hint: Weed Your Garden

We are smack dab in the middle of summer here in the Northeast. It is beautiful and our gardens, begun months ago, are in glorious color. Tending them has not been as difficult as in years past because the weather has cooperated so nicely – not too hot so far, not too dry nor too rainy. But nonetheless, the weeds have come. Despite our best efforts at the start of the season, they creep into our flower beds and must be rooted out before they overtake everything.

This got us to thinking about gardens in a metaphorical sense. Our lives, like gardens, need to be watered, weeded, fed and cared for on many levels (emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially). And sometimes, despite our best efforts, “weeds” can creep in and overtake us. What are the weeds in your life? Doubt? Despair? Selfishness? Judgment? Are they metaphorical or literal – maybe too much junk food in your diet or obsession with material possessions? Whatever your “weeds”, it is best to get to the root of the problem to attempt to remove them. Sometimes the roots are deep and hard to dig up but if you only remove the surface weed, the part that is visible on the outside, it will eventually grow back.

This week, we challenge you to take a good look at your garden and decide what’s worth keeping and manicuring and what needs to go. You will feel so good when you can look back and see the fruits of your labor!

Holly& Heather’s Helpful Hint: Happy 40th Dancing School!


This month marked our mom’s 40th dance recital for our dancing school!!! She opened her dance studio when we were just babies and is still teaching (as are we) today. She is an amazing teacher and dancer – her kicks are higher than ours and her splits are flatter! Along with instilling her love of dance to many over the years, she has the joy of dancing deep down in her heart. We are so proud of her for all of her accomplishments in running her business for 40 years, back in a time where there weren’t many female business owners, let alone working full-time while raising a family.  We were always by mom’s side, growing up doing our homework in the waiting room of the studio and taking dance classes.  Eventually we began teaching as well and here we are 40 years later celebrating!  We wish mom the happiest anniversary: 40 years of dancing school!


*Photo circa 1974

Holly & Heather’s Helpful Hint: Keep Your Chin Up

We have experienced a few losses this past year with loved ones in our immediate and extended family. As time marches on, the void is still there with every social gathering and celebration. But it is perhaps the little moments, when something will spark a memory, that seem to hit the hardest. They bring to mind that that person REALLY is gone and we will never see them again in this world. We have hope that their spirit surrounds us and watches over our lives as we continue on. And sometimes we receive signs that their presence is still here: a knock when no one is there, ambiguous things like lots of coins showing up or butterflies close by. We know this may seem “out there” to some but they say when something out of the ordinary happens, the first person’s image to pop into our heads is the loved one we’ve lost saying, “Hello, I’m here.”  If it gives you comfort to share an experience here, please do so.  We are all in this world together.  We understand that everyone has different ways of dealing with loss so lets help each other.  Keep your chin up and walk on.

Holly & Heather’s Helpful Hint: Make Summertime Volunteer Time!

Summer is here and there are lots of ways to spend the days:  going to the beach, relaxing with a book, vacationing – all great, fun stuff. Many people are still working over the summer but if you get a chance to take a block of time off and are looking for something rewarding to do, try volunteering with your kids.

While it is personally fulfilling for adults, summer time is a great time to get your children involved in a charitable endeavor. Lots of volunteer activities take place outside and they can spend time with like-minded kids their own age, helping and having fun in the fresh air!  Most kids in their teen years not only need community service hours to comply with graduation requirements but also to guide their morals and values while growing. Learning that there are others outside of their “bubble”, or usual environment, it is also very important toward giving them empathy and knowledge of the world around them.

There are so many different causes and needs that can enlighten teenagers.  Have them help you choose what cause they would like to donate their time to.  Our kids have been picking a week each summer for years, volunteering at a camp helping younger children with crafts, handing out snacks and assisting with cleanup.  Whether it is reading to the young or elderly, cleaning up a park, donating old clothes or making cupcakes for a nursing home, doing something to help others is an important part of making this world a better place.  Kids are biologically wired to think “me, me, me” until their early 20’s, lets help them think of others too!

Holly & Heather’s Helpful Hint: Happy 4th of July!


Tomorrow America will be celebrating Independence Day and so will we! The bbq will be going, we will be with our family & friends all weekend and of course we will be watching fireworks at night. Along with our celebrating we’ll be remembering all of those who fought for our freedoms. Please be safe and have fun!