Holly and Heather's Helping Hands

Inspirational Heartfelt Hints

Month: November, 2016

Holly & Heather’s Helpful Hint: Be Thankful

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Next week is Thanksgiving and we will be unplugged and celebrating with our families so a thankful blog is in order for today! There are so many things to be grateful for in our lives, from big to small.

These are just a few…
Our family, each other, warm houses, food on the table, faith, freedom and love.
And we are thankful to you, for reading our blogs and helping to spread peace in this world!

Happy Thanksgiving!  Twin Blessings from us, H & H

Holly & Heather’s Helpful Hint: Be Hopeful

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It is not good to let fear run your life. It can inhibit you from living the life you want to live. While we, admittedly, have fears, we also have hope.  Hope for a blessed day, health, happiness and love.  We are always trying to live in the present moment – it’s not easy!  And remember that change is a part of life.  It can be good and necessary.  Staying static is usually not a great course.  We are all constantly adapting to all sorts of new situations; always growing, learning and evolving.

Having hope is a great thing and we believe that no matter what, love is always on our side! And with that, hopefully, comes peace and happiness.

Holly & Heather’s Helpful Hint: Help

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Halloween has just passed and Thanksgiving is not quite here yet but already holiday shopping has begun. Retail stores capitalize on the season early and we don’t mind. It is so fun and festive to see all of the Christmas decorations out and it makes the season feel like it lasts longer. All the better to enjoy each moment!

Instead of panicking about the fact that there are about 8 weeks left to get everything done on your to-do list, try to celebrate the fact that this is the season for giving. In that vein, let’s focus on a non-materialistic way of giving: helping. There are so many charitable ways to help this time of year: in a soup kitchen, donating coats and getting gifts for a family in need are just a few.  We try to do all of those (maybe not all in the same season!) but you can also think outside the box to help members of your own family.  Here are some ideas:

Help an elderly loved one with a chore like decorating, hanging pictures or cleaning out a closet.

Help your spouse cook a meal.

Help your kids make cards or a crafty gift for their grandparents.

Help yourself to a relaxing night of reading with a cup of tea or whatever helps you de-stress.

Help a friend who may need you to listen to something going on in their life.

As the name of our blog indicates, let’s literally take our hands and use them to help 🙂