Holly and Heather's Helping Hands

Inspirational Heartfelt Hints

Month: May, 2018

Holly & Heather’s Helpful Hint: Dream Big!

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We recently read that people’s desire for something more is actually a longing for Eden. That place you’re dreaming of in life, whether it’s an actual place or an emotional one, where you feel truly at peace. Ever have a big dream that just keeps coming back to you time after time? Or maybe a small-scale that dream could be realized? Hope and faith play a role here too, keep them both in your heart.

Holly & Heather’s Helpful Hint: Remembering

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This Monday is Memorial Day, a time of remembrance of all those who lost their lives while serving our country. Proudly defending our freedoms, we remember and honor those courageous people.  America is forever grateful.

Holly & Heather’s Helpful Hint: Celebrating Mom!

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Last Sunday was Mother’s Day and we have been keeping up with a tradition for the past several years of doing something special with our mom on the Saturday before so we can stay in our pj’s if we want on the actual day! Previously we’ve gone shopping, out to dinner, had spa days and this year we did something different and very special. We went to a retreat just for mom’s! It was in a beautiful setting on the water in a spiritual environment, all focused on mother’s, grandmother’s and nurturing women.

The day started with coffee, tea and pastries.  We sat for a wonderful discussion on the importance of mom’s and talked of their caregiving nature.  We had quiet time to reflect and journaled about our accomplishments, listened to beautiful music and had a delicious lunch ending with homemade, warm from the oven, cookies.  Words were spoken of being strong, a guide, creative, an example, patient, supportive, laughing, a listener and always there. We said a prayer of blessings aloud and ended the day with a personal blessing for each of us.  It was a wonderful day full of love and the best part was being there together, the three of us.

Happy Mother’s Day to all our readers!  And especially to our mom, we love you!

Holly & Heather’s Helpful Hint: De-clutter, Donate, De-stress!

Image result for spring cleaningDo you have too much stuff cluttering your living space? Or maybe you’re tired of looking at the same old things hanging on the wall? We both love a good spring clean but beyond that sometimes it’s necessary to give your home a good once over and pare down. De-cluttering actually frees your mind; it’s stressful to live with a big pile of papers hanging around that needs to be shredded or so many knick knacks that it’s hard to dust.

We like to work on one closet every now and again or even just a corner of a room, so as not to get too overwhelmed, and clean. There’s just something about spring that says “grab an empty box and fill it up!” For us, it’s very fulfilling to take that box or bag of stuff and donate it. Unless it’s garbage that needs to be thrown away, repurposing is great for the environment and great for the soul – your stuff is getting a second home with someone who could really use it.  So remember the 3 d’s every so often – De-clutter, Donate, De-stress!

Holly & Heather’s Helpful Hint: Hope for Parkinson’s Disease

April was Parkinson’s Disease awareness month and you may remember our dad suffers from Parkinson’s.  This past weekend we walked to fund the cure in New York City’s “Parkinson Unity Walk”.  It was an amazing day! The walk raised over one million dollars and every donation goes directly to research.  It was so wonderful to see all the love and support that day.  There were literally cheerleaders cheering from the sidelines as we began and then when we crossed the finish line!  And we were so proud of our dad who began with gusto and ended with a great finish. We love you Dad ❤