Holly and Heather's Helping Hands

Inspirational Heartfelt Hints

Month: June, 2017

Holly & Heather’s Helpful Hint: Celebrate the Fourth of July!

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It’s easy to take our freedoms for granted. We live in a country where we are blessed to be able to enjoy our rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Not everyone in the world has these rights. There may always be something to complain about in life but we have the freedom to complain or not to! So we try not to!  On July fourth, we celebrate our country’s independence and our own individual freedoms. We are thankful for all those who fight or have fought to keep these ideals a reality. We will proudly fly our flags this week along with our fellow Americans! Happy Fourth of July!

Holly & Heather’s Helpful Hint: Celebrate Father’s Day!

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This Sunday is father’s day and we would like to wish our dad the best father’s day ever!  If you have a great dad (like we do!), a partner who’s a dad or a father figure in your life, we hope you can take this weekend to do something special for him.  We will be having breakfast with our dad and making a bbq for him and our husbands – you must know by now that our family loves everything food related, a gift we got from our dad! – as well as sharing time together.  It will be low-key but relaxing and enjoyable time spent together.

Happy father’s day!  We love you dad!

Holly & Heather’s Helpful Hint: Plant!

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It’s planting season for us here in the northeast. Things are blooming all around us and we are doing yard cleanup’s and getting our hands dirty planting new things. Each year we container garden a few vegetables, plant some new shrubs, and sow some decorative seeds for flowers in pots of all different colors. But even if you can’t get outside to grow something new, keep some plants around all year round in your home. They add color and life to corners of rooms and window sills and say to the world – this is a happy place, things grow here! They are great at helping to clean the air too. So get digging in the soil to bring a little more joy to your surroundings!